Season One / Episode One

Welcome to the ultimate reality TV experience. Streaming live, 24/7.

This week - Getting To Know You set in beautiful southern California!

Dec. 12th, 2016






It's day 3 and the contestants have started to settle in. The house still has empty rooms though and it's clear that more contestants may arrive at any time.

There is no announcement over breakfast today, but at around 11am, when most of the contestants have gathered around the pool, there is an announcement that can be heard throughout the house.

Good morning contestants, we hope you slept well.

To win in the Trials, you will need to be strong and you will need to be able to work with others, know when to stick to your guns and when to compromise. That is today's test.

We would like each of you to post to your journal on a controversial topic. It can be anything you like, but you must take a position. Anyone posting with a neutral stance will be deemed to have failed this test.

The second part of this challenge is to oppose the views of at least two of your fellow contestants.

We want to see you debate, ladies and gentleman. Take your positions, defend them. Reason and logic are your weapons.

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Today's tag: #E1:D3, #journal

Tags: ,




for Corbi and Hudson



journal - wardrobe!

Oh my goodness, I didn't know what to write!! I got probably what many people would refer to as 'far too many clothes'. I kind of went nuts, and just kept picking things and there were so many styles and so much of it was cute, and there were things in my size and it was wonderful!

I'm not a clothes horse by nature, I'll admit, but it was pretty fun, choosing what I'll be wearing throughout the competition. This is the sort of task I can roll with!

I tried to pick out things that were 'me', but I went for different climates, just in case. I picked out the cutest, warmest looking coat, and okay, maybe my bias is toward cold weather. I'm from Canada so I know all about the cold! Not so much about the heat, so hopefully the sun dresses I put in there help out with that. >.>

I can't wait to wear some of this stuff!

Dec. 8th, 2016



Journal Entry - Wardrobe Choices

I spent a good month debating my clothing choices before coming here, well aware that this was the biggest exposure my own fashion line would get. Many of the pieces I brought are my own, but I also recognize that they aren't appropriate for every occasion. One doesn't always need a party dress and flashy wedges. But I'd like to think I had my wardrobe well covered prior to this exercise. Granted, there were also some items that just took up too much space in my suitcase. Would I really need clothing appropriate for freezing weather? A gown appropriate for a black tie event? That just seemed silly. No matter how much I was allowed to bring, I couldn't bring everything. With my own selections narrowed down, I thought I was covered.

And yet, I think I've doubled my wardrobe today. I can't possibly list out everything without this becoming ridiculously boring, so I'll try to cover the highlights.

I might have gone overboard )



Trial 1 - shopping spree

I was told to pick things. I found that more interesting than anything else, as if the task was to see if we would define ourselves by what we picked out. If given a chance a stack of free things, what would anyone take? A lot, a little, too much, not enough? Something practical? Something fancy? Something useful? Or just something funky looking?

Would anyone dare to redefine themselves with the options they found? Biker guy goes to posh businessman? Grunge girl turns prom queen? Anyone? Probably not. People are forever looking for a way to blend in, to not to be noticed and not voted off the island. That’s an actual strategy you know.

Still, I found the whole thing very intriguing. I found some things, then some more things, then eventually I had too many things, but I didn’t want to put them back. Because who knows when they might be useful. When they might be interesting. Or when one wants to wear a cocktail dress to a hike.

a wardrobe )



Clothing choices

It wasn't as if they wouldn't let us bring our own things, right? So it did come as quite a surprise when they announced that our first 'task' was to pick a whole new wardrobe.

I admit, there was part of my that re-exammined my fashion choices. I'd like to think they're not that bad. Not the most exciting of picks, but I'm a baker, not a model. I have always dressed for comfort and movement, rather than making the most of what I've been given.

However, resigned to the fact that I was going to need to do this (does anyone know what the result is if we don't complete a given task?), I went and picked out some more things.

First off - how difficult is it to choose clothes when you already feel like you have enough? And when you know you'll be moving around and that 'packing light' might be something you're asked to do in the future.

I've picked up a decent pair of walking boots though - order of the day, break those puppies in. Nothing worse than brand new shoes to cripple you for life. Socks of various types to go with - again, same reason. Look after your feet and you're half way there.

Couple of pairs of trousers - one that would survive the outdoors, then a really nice pair that would normally be way out of my price range for if we have to do anything posh. Shirt and waistcoat to go with for the same reason (no jacket - too bulky. See above re: packing light).

Then a couple of warm looking jumpers that aren't too thick, some t-shirts. Oh, and a really waterproof jacket.

Last but not least - swimwear. Because I've seen that pool out there and realised that I didn't bring any with me.

Dec. 9th, 2016



forum post

I just discovered this forum, and figured since we're all going to be living together for the next twenty four weeks, we should introduce ourselves somewhere? I realize some of you out there have probably done this already, but I think I came in a day late so consider this me trying to get up to speed.

Hi, I'm Tuesday. I'm thirty two. I own a little occult/new age store in Greenwich Village, selling odds and ends for rituals and so on, and I do tarot card readings out of my back room. I actually brought my cards with me, if anyone's interested? Oh, and I have a cat, his name's Orion, and he thinks he's totally ferocious and imposing. He's not. He's basically a mewling pile of inky black fuzz. (He's just a baby.)

Anyone fancy a dinner sometime this week? I'm pretty good in the kitchen and I don't mind making a meal for everyone. Of course, if there's a professional chef in the mix here, I'm not trying to tread on any toes, just making an offer!

Dec. 7th, 2016



What's your Story?

Who: Cole and Tuesday
Setting: the west wing

Cole took his time going through the options, surprised at how many things there were. He walked up and down the racks, poking at things, surveying them, wondering what he might need for what. He poked at a few things, then started picking, grabbing a smoking jacket that was a blue striped silk and tied it at his waist, grinning at how ridiculous he looked in the mirror. He should get himself loads of things. He had no idea what he'd need for this whole ordeal, but he'd enjoy getting it.



More Clothes

So, I'm not sure why I would need more clothes. I brought pretty much everything I needed.

But here's what I got anyway. )



journal entry

journal entry )

Dec. 6th, 2016



journal - wardrobe

I don't know what to put here. )

Dec. 5th, 2016



Journal Entry

Journal )

Dec. 1st, 2016



[journal] clothing haul

Expect the unexpected )

Nov. 30th, 2016




Who: Anna-Kat, open Miyuki
Setting: the west wing

She didn't get it ... )






Day two dawns bright and clear - a beautiful California morning. A breakfast spread is laid out for the contestants in the kitchen. During breakfast, an announcement is made that can be heard throughout the whole house.

Welcome contestants. We hope you slept well.

Today is devoted to creating your image. The west wing of the property has been unlocked for you. Please make your way there at some point during the day. You will find everything you could wish for.

We ask that each of you picks your wardrobe for the entire season. You may, of course, keep any items that you have brought with you, but we would also like you to supplement these with at least some of the clothing you will find here. There are no limits on the type or number of items that you pick.

Once you have completed your selection, we would like you to write a journal post about your selections - what kinds of things you have chosen and why you have done so.


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Today's tags: #E1:D2, #journal

Tags: ,

Nov. 22nd, 2016



[No Subject]

Who: Emma and OPEN Hudson
Setting: Living room
Not one to avoid a social situation, Emma cheerfully made her way over to introduce herself. )

Nov. 21st, 2016



This is the Life

Who: Corbin and Piper
Where: The Pool

Corbin was used to having a pool around. Growing up in Miami, she spent a lot of her time in bathing suits either lounging around by the poolside, or getting her cardio in the way of swimming laps. Even in college in North Carolina, she was at the pool or the beach whenever she got the chance. When she found out there was a pool in this really dope house, that was about all Corbin could think about. She had enough time to find people and introduce herself later.

Throwing on one of her tried and trusty swimsuits and looked at herself in the mirror for a moment. She could see the scars on her left leg from the operations her car crash had necessitated. They'd healed, but they were still obvious reminders of her stupidity.

Not dwelling on that thought too long, Corbin grabbed a towel from her room, and headed directly to the pool. And it was gorgeous This place was really, truly incredible. With a big grin, she took a running leap and cannonballed into the pool, the water splashing out to coat the cement beside it.



[Video] Corbin in the House!

I'm Corbin. Get ready.

Introduction video for Corbin Martinez )



[Video] Introducing Sam Coulter

Uhm, hi. Hi everyone. I’m Sam.

An introduction to me, I guess. )
Tags: , ,

Nov. 20th, 2016



[No Subject]

Who: Lee & Open
Setting: The house kitchen

She had lied. )